Protein packed chocolate chip pancakes

Pancakes are one of my favorites but let’s just face it there’s nothing but garbage in the Aunt Jemima mix 🙅🏼.

I’ve messed around with making my own recipe and I wanted it to have a lot of protein to fuel my day.. breakfast is the most important meal of the day right?

I bought a protein pancake mix by flap jacked and loved it, but it’s expensive so I wanted to only use a little and add other ingredients. My protein comes from Super green plant protein & Flapped jacked protein pancake mix .

I seriously love this stuff, I mix it in smoothies for breakfast on the go & anything I bake it gets a scoop.. so so good and so good for you! this stuff is seriously the bomb.. I probably won’t use anything else for now on.

So for the pancakes I make I use..

  • 1 big tablespoon of flap jacked protein pancake mix
  • 1 big tablespoon of super greens plant protein
  • 1 big tablespoon of whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground allspice
  • 1 teaspoon coconut palm sugar
  • 1 tablespoon dark chocochips
  • 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts
  • 1 egg
  • Enough water to make a “pancake consistency” I did not measure 🙂
  • Heated up my nonstick pan with ghee and cooked my cakes! This recipe makes 2 fluffy pancakes, enough for 1 person, believe me it’s all you need because all the protein!! Double the recipe if it’s for two!

After they were cooked, I slabbed some almond butter & pure maple syrup and it was delicious.. this will be your go-to pancake recipe for now on trust me!

Layered Eggplant

Sooooo I came home from work to see that my Grandma dropped off beautiful BEAUTIFUL home grown fresh veggies from a neighbor of hers (I think?) regardless they are home grown in a backyard and that makes me super happy..

Yes so so pretty.. Well I was starved and I love to make healthy dinners and especially fresh!! I have a lot of people ask me for recipes and ideas etc so I figured let me just start a blog so it’s just easier for everyone!!

I started with ground beef, I would usually use ground turkey but I did not have any left so I went with it.. I believe it was 80/20 so I had to drain the oil after cooking the meat. I added chopped onion, salt, pepper, one fresh chili with the seeds scraped out, I wasn’t the only one eating this dish so not everyone can handle spicy spicy like myself :). For added flavor I splashed a good 1/4th cup of red wine and let it simmer. Next! Added two fresh chopped tomatoes. Butttt Just take a second to look at these beauties ..

As this was cooking, in my hot cast iron skillet I added coconut oil and olive oil and seared my sliced eggplant on each side and than transferred to a plate. You can season your eggplant with whatever you like I chose salt pepper & chili powder.

Oven was preheated to 350 and after the eggplant was seared I started layering!

Eggplant, meat sauce, more fresh chopped tomatoes, fresh onion, fresh mushrooms and of course garlic! Layer as you like, you can add whatever veggies you please!

Andddd last before the oven I sprinkled non fat mozzarella on top and baked for 30 minutes. Rest for 10 and serve! DELICIOUS

I sprinkled fresh parsley and man oh man it was tasty, fresh and healthy! #cleaneating