Cauliflower Fried Rice

Vegetarian & Vegan friendly! – Just leave the egg out 😉

I was a little hungry and wanted to whip something up real quick and of course, I was craving fried rice (what else is new)

I had a frozen bag of riced cauliflower that has some parsley garlic and onion in it, so in 10 minutes I made the best fried rice EVER!

Started with a tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon rice vinegar & 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and fried up 1/4 cup chopped onion, 5 baby carrots and sesame seeds for about 3 minutes. ( I like a bite to my veggies)

Then I added 2 tablespoons chopped garlic, 3 rough chopped mushrooms WITH stems!!Also, a handful of pea-pods & sautéed for another minute or so.. next I added my frozen bag of riced cauliflower and stirred around on high heat until thawed and mixed.

Pushed the rice over to the side, added 1 egg, after the egg was scrambled mixed all together. I added pepper, a little ginger, 1 teaspoon of chili paste ( sub. Hot Pepper Flakes) and about 1/4 cup Braggs Liquid Aminos

High heat with constant stirring and bam! Healthy fried rice!! SOOO good! And spicy! If your not a fan of spicy food, leave out anything you think is to hot. I also topped with black sesame seeds because they are so good! 😋

Whoever says eating healthy and clean is to hard, you never tried. This literally took me 10 minutes. 🙂

TIP – You don’t like mushrooms? Use chicken or left over steak.. I used mushrooms as my “meat” because I just bought em’ fresh ☺️