Bone Broth Soup

I threw a bunch of goods into the crock pot for a very flavorful soup!!

I use Kettle & Fire Bone Broth it’s sooo good.. bone broth has so many amazing benefits

  • Gut health
  • Protects your joints
  • Collagen, which is great for skin
  • Supports immune system
  • Amino acids for muscle recovery

Bone broth is super good for you!

In the crock pot I threw 2 boxes of bone broth, 6 garlic cloves, 1 large onion, boc choy, mustard greens, spinach, carrots, rosemary, parsley, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and different seasonings.

I had left over steak so I chopped it up and threw it in there as well 😋

Left it on low for a few hours and it was so delightful, try it! Throw your favorite veggies in & make yourself soup that’s super healthy for you!

Cauliflower Fried Rice

Vegetarian & Vegan friendly! – Just leave the egg out 😉

I was a little hungry and wanted to whip something up real quick and of course, I was craving fried rice (what else is new)

I had a frozen bag of riced cauliflower that has some parsley garlic and onion in it, so in 10 minutes I made the best fried rice EVER!

Started with a tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon rice vinegar & 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and fried up 1/4 cup chopped onion, 5 baby carrots and sesame seeds for about 3 minutes. ( I like a bite to my veggies)

Then I added 2 tablespoons chopped garlic, 3 rough chopped mushrooms WITH stems!!Also, a handful of pea-pods & sautéed for another minute or so.. next I added my frozen bag of riced cauliflower and stirred around on high heat until thawed and mixed.

Pushed the rice over to the side, added 1 egg, after the egg was scrambled mixed all together. I added pepper, a little ginger, 1 teaspoon of chili paste ( sub. Hot Pepper Flakes) and about 1/4 cup Braggs Liquid Aminos

High heat with constant stirring and bam! Healthy fried rice!! SOOO good! And spicy! If your not a fan of spicy food, leave out anything you think is to hot. I also topped with black sesame seeds because they are so good! 😋

Whoever says eating healthy and clean is to hard, you never tried. This literally took me 10 minutes. 🙂

TIP – You don’t like mushrooms? Use chicken or left over steak.. I used mushrooms as my “meat” because I just bought em’ fresh ☺️

“Sushi” Stack

I LOVE sushi.. and luckily I have a really good sushi place that’s always half off down the road but sometimes I don’t feel like going to pick it up. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I was in no way going to attempt making sushi and I wanted to make it with whole grain or brown & wild rice. I know you need sticky sushi rice to make it stay in a roll, so I stacked it.

I saw this on Pinterest after I searched for “sushi” recipes and it looked super easy.

It came out SO good!! Super easy and what I like about it is that I can add whatever I want. I had already made brown & wild rice, I added salt pepper, all natural Italian seasoning and garlic.

Then!! I started cooking my shrimp in fresh lemon, olive oil, 3 drops sesame oil, fresh ginger, garlic & liquid aminos.

I mashed one avocado with fresh lemon, garlic salt & pepper.

Chopped a little cucumber.. and started stacking ✌🏻 In a 1 cup measuring cup I sprayed coconut oil spray, added my chopped shrimp first, then goes my cucumber, avocado and then rice. I gently pressed down with my spoon and then flipped it over on a plate and as I lifted the measuring cup I was tapping the bottom of it so it was fall out of the cup nicely!

Sprinkled my toasted mixed sesame seeds, whisked up some liquid aminos and wasabi and poured it in top.. I also drizzled Sriracha on top because I love it lol! You can add whatever you like to your stack, it’s great for lunch or dinner, even a snack! Healthy, fresh and simple.

Btw.. don’t mind my paper plates, just trying to avoid cleaning extra dishes 😉

Soy sesame chicken & broccoli

My favorite thing to make for dinner is teriyaki style chicken, I feel like I always crave it!

I usually go for chicken breast, fresh broccoli, onion and garlic. If i have snow peas, baby corn, bean sprouts or even peppers I’ll add them to!

I always add sesame seeds, loveeee them and they’re good for you. I have an Asian food market right down the road from my house so I’m always there exploring the aisles.

I noticed there produce section is wonderful and so cheap!! I picked up a container of pea spout shoots and fell in love! I add them to many dishes like fried egg sandwiches, soups, stir fry’s and salads.

I use ..

  • coconut aminos (a little because it’s sweet)
  • brags liquid aminos
  • sesame oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Coconut teriyaki sauce
  • Garlic & onions
  • Fresh veggies
  • Dash of almond milk
  • Season to your liking such as pepper, red pepper flakes etc.

Sirloin Meat Sauce

I had leftover sirloin burgers that were SO good, I was craving pasta but I wanted to use the leftovers in the fridge of course..

I decided to make a meat sauce with whole grain pasta.

I chopped up the burgers and added two shallots, 3 garlic cloves, olive oil, coconut oil, and sautéed.

I added about 1/4th cup of beef broth, a large dash of red wine, small can of tomato sauce, and one small chopped tomato and simmered for 10 minutes.

Added nutrition yeast, fresh parsley salt & pepper and mixed it my pasta! Quick and super easy!!

  • Ground beef or ground turkey (what I usually use!)
  • Onion or shallots
  • Garlic cloves
  • Red wine
  • Beef stock
  • Seasoning to your liking
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Parsley
  • Penne of your choice
  • Tomato sauce / crushed tomatoes


Oat flapjacks

I’ve made these 10 times already, I loooove them. What’s good about flapjacks is you can add whatever you want in/on them 🙃

I was feeling some jam today, so in between my cakes I added almonds and strawberry jam. I’ve done PB&J before and it was sooooooo good!

I mix all the ingredients in a bowl, stir to smooth “pancake” consistency, add some ghee and cook my flapjacks. I like to make them on the smaller side and they cook fast so don’t walk away from the stove 🙂

  • 1/2cup oat flour
  • 1 tbs coconut flour
  • 6oz unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 almond milk (or until pancake consistency)
  • Sliced Almonds
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein
  • 3 eggs

Yum 🍽

Ranch Turkey Burger with Yogurt Sauce

I love burgers, so I wanted to try to make a healthy twist & try something different 🙂

I took ground turkey, (94% lean) and added Flavor Gods Ranch seasoning, salt pepper, panko, & red pepper flakes. Mixed with my hands and formed my patty.

To my non stick pan I added coconut oil & olive oil, then seared my burger.. after 5 minutes I flipped to sear, lowered the heat and put a lid on top to fully cook my burger without burning!

I wanted to do something different than adding cheese on top so I made a yogurt sauce!

Two tbs non fat Greek yogurt, chopped green onion (yum) fresh parsley, blue cheese crumbles, more of the Ranch seasoning, salt pepper and red pepper!

I mixed and mixed and mixed until the blue cheese was all mixed in to the sauce!

Greek yogurt is something I ALWAYS have in my fridge, you can make so many great dishes with it.. stay tuned to my Greek yogurt Alfredo!

Burger, sauce, then arugula that I tossed in some olive oil salt & pepper, SO good!

Roughly –

  • Lean Turkey
  • 2 tbs ranch seasoning
  • Panko
  • Salt & pepper

  • 2 tbs Greek yogurt
  • Green onion
  • Ranch seasoning
  • Blue cheese crumbles
  • Parsley
  • Salt pepper & red pepper

I used romaine as my bun 🙂 enjoy!

Crispy kale & onion egg sandwich


So so good.. I love kale and it’s so good for you.

  • High in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, iron
  • Powerful antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Low calorie, high fiber
  • 0 fat

I’m not a big bread eater, but when I do have bread it has a tonnnn of whole grains. Some I like are Arnold whole grains, Ezekiel 4.9, & Dave’s killer bread.

So I sautéed onions and kale in about 1 tbs of coconut oil, salt, pepper, hot pepper flakes & Garlic lovers seasoning by Flavor God. I have a lot of Flavor Gods seasoning because they’re fresh, clean & healthy.. not to mention how amazing they taste.

I sautéed for about 4-5 minutes then transferred them to a place, I put two slices of bread in my toaster oven, cracked two cage free eggs in the same pan. I like my eggs either scrambled or over-medium. I chose today to do over-medium 😋. After I flipped my eggs I added some shredded sharp cheddar cheese threw on the lid and waited for the cheese to melt. A little ghee on my bread and placed my two eggs side by side, topped with my crispy kale and onions andddddd done!

.. not a lot of ingredients but filled with flavor. Try it! 😁

  • 2 cage free eggs
  • Kale
  • 1/2 small onion
  • 2 slices of whole grains bread
  • Seasoning
  • Coconut oil
  • Sharp cheddar
  • Ghee or butter

Layered Eggplant

Sooooo I came home from work to see that my Grandma dropped off beautiful BEAUTIFUL home grown fresh veggies from a neighbor of hers (I think?) regardless they are home grown in a backyard and that makes me super happy..

Yes so so pretty.. Well I was starved and I love to make healthy dinners and especially fresh!! I have a lot of people ask me for recipes and ideas etc so I figured let me just start a blog so it’s just easier for everyone!!

I started with ground beef, I would usually use ground turkey but I did not have any left so I went with it.. I believe it was 80/20 so I had to drain the oil after cooking the meat. I added chopped onion, salt, pepper, one fresh chili with the seeds scraped out, I wasn’t the only one eating this dish so not everyone can handle spicy spicy like myself :). For added flavor I splashed a good 1/4th cup of red wine and let it simmer. Next! Added two fresh chopped tomatoes. Butttt Just take a second to look at these beauties ..

As this was cooking, in my hot cast iron skillet I added coconut oil and olive oil and seared my sliced eggplant on each side and than transferred to a plate. You can season your eggplant with whatever you like I chose salt pepper & chili powder.

Oven was preheated to 350 and after the eggplant was seared I started layering!

Eggplant, meat sauce, more fresh chopped tomatoes, fresh onion, fresh mushrooms and of course garlic! Layer as you like, you can add whatever veggies you please!

Andddd last before the oven I sprinkled non fat mozzarella on top and baked for 30 minutes. Rest for 10 and serve! DELICIOUS

I sprinkled fresh parsley and man oh man it was tasty, fresh and healthy! #cleaneating